Kamis, 04 Desember 2014

The Amazing Experince of Mt Merapi (2913 mdpl)

Sunrise on Merapi

"Negeri Diatas Awan"

Pasar Bubrah Merapi

New Selo, Boyolali

Merapi Peak

Ely from Singapore

Adam from Australia

Top of Merapi

Rabu, 03 Desember 2014


Speech of Graduation
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركا ته
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ٬ الحمد لله رب العالمين وبه نستعين على امورالدنيا و الدين ٬  الصلاة والسلام على اشرف الانبياء و المرسلين سيدنا ومولانا محمد وعلى اله واصحابه اجمعين۰ اما بع

Excellency       : Bp. KH Alfan Al Mukhasibi
Respectable     : Drs. Sarjono as Headmaster of MTs Ma’arif 2 Muntilan
Respectable     : All teachers and functionaries of MTs Ma’arif 2 Muntilan
Honorable       : All my friends whom I love

Ladies and gentlemen,

First of all, let’s pray and thanks unto our God Allah SWT who has been giving us some mercies and blessings so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation.
Secondly, may sholawat and salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW. Who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness from the stupidity to the cleverness, from Jahilia era to the Islamiah era namely Islamic religion that we love.

Happy brothers and sisters,

Standing in front of you all, I represent of 7 and 8 grade students that want to say congratulation to our brother and sister of 9 grade students who finished of Final Examination at last 5th until 8th of May 2014. Hopefully, all students will pass with good score. Amine. We hope that all of you can continue your study in next level.
Then, I would like to apologize, if we have many mistakes purposively or accidentally.
The last, We hope that we can meet again in other time. We also expect your support, so we also can gain success and more achievement.

Happy brothers and sisters,

That’s all my speech, as human being, I realize that I can’t avoid the mistakes, so I apologize to you all. And I don’t forget to say thanks so much for your nice attention.
The last I say
و الله الموفق الى اقوام الطارق  واللسلا م عليكم ورحمة االه وبركا ته

Senin, 16 Juni 2014


By Sholihin (10131024)
Education is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university (oxford dictionary). It has kind of educations such as formal, non-formal and informal education. One of the important things is informal education. Why? Because informal education is education where has relation with family, society and environment. Someone’s character will built when someone has social interaction to others. Reality, many children do not know the moral education or character education of their culture. So, this is irony of the youth who has responsible in the next generation. Some problems are: first, the effect of western culture; then, unawareness of cultural value; and lessening of character education in the school.
Western culture is the modern culture of Western Europe and North America. Its culture is influence some children such as life style and technology. Now, most of them imitate the fashion, speaking style and lack of respectable to others. Many children also called their parent directly just the name, so this is impolite in Indonesian culture. Then, for the technology is like internet that children can access pornography and things that are not good for children.
Cultural values are character values ​​that are important to children. They forget the cultural values that have been passed down ancestors. One of them is spirit nationality. It is important because developed country is a country that takes into account the culture and the youth.
Character education can be interpreted by the deliberate us of all dimensions of school life to foster optimal character development. School is one of place that increase student’s character such as social interaction and respect each other. But, they are less attention about it. So, many students are who dare to teachers, leaving religious values ​​and breaking the school rules.
The problems above are some problems that happen in majority of Indonesian children. So, it needs solution to solve them. Things are important to solve them such as limitation of students to take Western culture by emphasizing the local culture. Then, it is additional of moral education or character education in curriculum. The last, it is increasing educational character in each material that can get benefit to students.