Senin, 22 Januari 2018

Narrative Exercises
The Greedy Dog 
A dog was felling very proud of himself. He had found a big, juicy bone at the market. He quickly carried it in his mouth and ran off to find a place to eat it. He came to stream that had very clear water. It was a great time for him. He was thinking what a wonderful time he would have if he could eat the whole juicy bone by himself. Suddenly he looked down into the water. He saw a dog staring at him. The dog also had a big bone in his mouth. He did not know that the dog in the water was his reflection. He thought, “That dog’s bone looks bigger that mine. I will graph his bone and run away as fast as I can!”.

1. The dog felt very proud because….
a.   he felt that he was a strong dog
b.   he was greedy
c.   he went to the market
d.   he had found a big, juicy bone
2. Where would the dog eat the bone?
a.      In the market                 c. at a stream
b.      In the jungle                       d. at his house
3. What did he see at the stream?
a.  he saw another dog
b.  he saw his own shadow or reflection actually
c.   he saw bones
d.  he saw nothing
4. Why could the dog see his own reflection in the stream?
a.       Because the stream is wide
b.       Because he had clear eyes
c.        Because the water was very clear
d.       Because there was a bone 
5. The end of story was….
a.   the dog got two bones
b.   the dog got a bigger bones
c.   the dog fought with another dog
     d.    the dog got nothing

"Timun emas"
One night, while they were praying, Buto Ijo a giant with supranatural powers (6) ……………(pass) their house. He (7)……………(hear) they pray. "Don't worry farmers. I can give you a child. But you have to give me that child when she is 17 years old," said Buto Ijo. The farmers (8)……………….(be) so happy. They did not think about the risk of losing their child letter and agree to take the offer. Later, Buto Ijo gave them a bunch of cucumber seeds. The farmers planted them carefully. Then the seeds changed into plants. No longer after that, a big golden cucumber grew from plants. After it had ripe, the farmers picked and cut it. They were very surprised to see beautiful girl inside the cucumber. They named her Timun Mas or Golden Cucumber. Years passed by and Timun Mas has changed into a beautiful girl. On her 17th birthday, Timun Mas was very happy.
However, the parents were very sad. They (9)…………….(know) they had to keep their promise to Buto Ijo the giant but they also did not want to lose their beloved daughter. "My daughter, take this bag. It can save you from the giant," said father. "What do you mean, Father? I don't understand," said Timun Mas.
Right after that, Buto Ijo (10)…………………..(come) into their house. "Run Timun Mas. Save your life!" said the mother. Buto ijo was angry. He knew the farmers wanted to break their promise. He chased Timun Mas away. Buto Ijo was getting closer and closer. Timun Mas then opened the bag and threw a handful of salt. It became sea. Buto Ijo had to swim to cross the sea. Later, Timun Mas threw some chilly. It became a jungle with trees. The trees had sharp thorns so they hurt Buto Ijo. However, he was still able to chase Timun Mas. Timun Mas took her third magic stuff. It was cucumber seeds. She threw them and became cucumber field. But Buto Ijo still could escape from the field. Then it was the last magic stuff she had in the bag. It was a shrimp paste or terasi. She threw it and became a big swamp. Buto Ijo was still trying to swim the swamp but he was very tired. Then he was drowning and died.
Timun Mas then immediately went home. The farmers were so happy that they finally together again.

6.    a.  past                              c. passing
      b.  passed                          d. passes
7.      a.   hears                           c. hear
b.   hearing                        d. heard          
8.      a. is                                    c. are
b. was                                d. were
9.      a.   knew                            c. knowing
b. knows                            d. know
10.      a. coming                          c. came
b. comes                            d. come

The  Origin of the city  Surabaya
Once upon a time , there were two animals , Sura and Baya name . Sura is the name of the Beast is the Beast shark and Baya the crocodile . They live in the deep sea . After Sura and Baya were looking for some food . Suddenly, Baya see a nice goat . " Yummy is good , this is the most delicious lunch , " said Baya . ' No way ! This is my lunch . You greedy " Sura said . Later they fought for goats . After several hours of fighting, they were very tired . Feels tired of fighting , they live in different places . Sura Baya live in the water and stay in the country.
Border is the beach , so they do not will fight again . Someday , Sura went to the ground and look for some food in the river . he was very hungry and there was not much food in the sea . Baya was very angry when he knew that Sura broke a promise . they fight again . They both punching and kicking . tail Sura Baya fight . Baya did the same thing to Sura . He bit very hard until Sura finally gave up and returned to the sea . Baya happy . named his final city of Surabaya
11.       What are the kind animals of Sura and Baya?
12.      Where did the location take place of the story?
13.    Who did live in the water?
14.    Why did Sura give up & returned to the sea?
15.     What is the moral lesson of the text above?

Minggu, 21 Januari 2018

Workahop Perancangan Administrasi Pembelajaran MTs Ma'arif 2 Muntilan

WORKSHOP: Sebanyak 20 guru mengikuti Workshop Perancangan Administrasi Pendidikan untuk membantu para guru, baru-baru ini. (SM/ MH Habib Shaleh)

18 Januari 2018 | 02:18 WIB | Suara Kedu

Empat Perubahan Besar Kurikulum 2013

MUNTILAN, Pemerintah melakukan perbaikan sistem pembelajaran dengan memperbarui kurikulum. Namun kurikulum sebaik apapun tidak akan mampu mencerdaskan anak bangsa jika seorang pendidik tidak memiliki kompetensi yang tepat.
Kurikulum 2013 membawa empat perubahan besar terkait konsep kurikulum, buku yang dipakai, proses pembelajaran, dan proses penilaian. Empat perubahan besar ini dimaksudkan untuk mendorong anak didik dan guru selalu berpikir produktif, kreatif, dan inovatif.
Guru dituntut menjadi seorang pendidik profesional dengan tugas utama mendidik, mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai dan mengevaluasi peserta didik. Karena itu menjadi seorang guru kini bukanlah pekerjaan mudah. Guru harus bisa berperan aktif dalam membantu membentuk karakter seorang anak, selain orang tua dan keluarga.
Peran guru yang penting membuat seorang guru dituntut untuk membuat suasana belajar mengajar menjadi lebih menarik dan menyenangkan, sehingga peserta didik merasa nyaman dan cepat menyerap pelajaran.
Setiap guru harus bisa menemukan caranya sendiri untuk menarik minat belajar siswa secara kreatif dan inovatif. Proses belajar tidak boleh menyeramkan namun sebaliknya harus menyenangkan dan membuat nyaman.
Untuk itu, MTs Ma’arif 2 Muntilan menggelar Workshop Perancangan Administrasi Pendidikan untuk membantu para guru. Kegiatan ini dimaksudkan untuk membantu guru dalam mengembangkan dan membuat perangkat pembelajaran yang kreatif.
"Tenaga pengajar dituntut untuk mengembangkan secara efektif & efisien dalam Kurikulum 2013 revisi 2017 ini sesuai dengan pengembangan pengetahuan, pemahaman, aplikasi, analisis, sintesis dan evaluasi," kata Dosen Pendidikan & Pengabdi Senior LPPM Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta Dr Dra Hermayawati,S.Pd.,M.Pd.
Dr Dra Hermayawati menilai kegiatan seperti ini akan bisa memacu motivasi guru di sekolah Ma’arif untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran sesuai kurikulum yang ada dengan penilaian secara faktual, konseptual, prosedural dan metakognisi.
Kepala MTs Ma’arif 2 Muntilan mengatakan kegiatan ini sebagai pembekalan dan pelatihan bagi tenaga pengajar dalam menghadapi kurikulum 2013. Diharapkan guru akan terbantu dalam membuat perangkat pembelajaran, utamanya pembuatan Silabus dan RPP.
Ada 20 guru mata pelajaran dan dua 2 guru BK dari tenaga pengajar MTs Ma’arif 2 Muntilan yang mengikuti workshop ini. “Ini sekaligus juga sebagai persiapan akreditasi sekolah kami pada bulan Maret mendatang,“ tuturnya.
Sementara itu,Pengawas Pendidikan Madrasah Kemenag Kabupaten Magelang Dra Hj Siti Zumrotul Mutmainah M.Si menilai workshop ini sangat bagus untuk menunjang keperluan bagi para guru untuk berfikir kreatif dalam mengembangkan dan membuat perangkat pembelajaran.
(MH Habib Shaleh /SMNetwork /CN34 )